斯嘉丽 Scarlett出处:《飘》(Gone with the Wind)作者:玛格丽特·米切尔 (Margaret Mitchell)
Scarlett O'Hara was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.
But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw.
Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred with bristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends.
Above them, her thick black brows slanted upward, cutting a startling oblique line in her magnolia-white skin - that skin so prized by Southern women and so carefully guarded with bonnets, veils and mittens against hot Georgia suns.
达西 Darcy出处:《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice)
作者:简·奥斯汀 (Jane Austen)
His friend Mr Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien, and the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance, of his having ten thousand a year.
The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr Bingley.
And he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity; for he was discovered to be proud; to be above his company, and above being pleased.
罗切斯特 Rochester出处:《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)
作者:夏洛蒂·勃朗特 (Charlotte Bronte)
His figure was enveloped in a riding cloak, fur collared and steel clasped; its details were not apparent, but I traced the general points of middle height and considerable breadth of chest.
He had a dark face, with stern features and a heavy brow; his eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful and thwarted just now; he was past youth, but had not reached middle-age; perhaps he might be thirty-five.
于连 Julien出处:《红与黑》(The Red and the Black)
作者:司汤达 (Stendhal)
He was a lad eighteen or nineteen years of age, small in stature, with irregular but delicate features, and of a constitution apparently weakly.
His nose was aquiline; and his large black eyes, which in quiet moments showed thought and vivacity, were ablaze now with the fiercest hatred.
His dark brown hair, growing very low on his forehead, gave him a narrow brow, that in moments of anger looked positively wicked.
His face would hardly be remarked among the infinite variety of human countenances by any feature particularly striking.
His slight, well-proportioned figure gave evidence more of agility than of strength.
玛格丽特 Marguerite出处:《茶花女》(The Lady of the Camellias)
作者:小仲马 (Alexandre Dumas, fils)
It was impossible to see more charm in beauty than in that of Marguerite...
Set, in an oval of indescribable grace, two black eyes, surmounted by eyebrows of so pure a curve that it seemed as if painted;
veil these eyes with lovely lashes, which, when drooped, cast their shadow on the rosy hue of the cheeks;
trace a delicate, straight nose, the nostrils a little open, in an ardent aspiration toward the life of the senses;
design a regular mouth, with lips parted graciously over teeth as white as milk;
colour the skin with the down of a peach that no hand has touched, and you will have the general aspect of that charming countenance.
The hair, black as jet, waving naturally or not, was parted on the forehead in two large folds and draped back over the head, leaving in sight just the tip of the ears, in which there glittered two diamonds, worth four to five thousand francs each.
Faceround face 圆脸
oval face 瓜子脸
square face 方脸
a haggard face 瘦俏的脸
baby-faced 娃娃脸
plump cheeks/chubby cheeks 胖乎乎的脸蛋
fair-skinned 白皮肤的
a pale complexion 肤色暗淡的
slightly dark/tanned 肤色比较深
oriental 黄皮肤的,东方人的
suntanned 棕褐色
brown 棕色皮肤
pale 皮肤苍白
scar 伤疤
dimple 酒窝
freckles 雀斑(复数)
a mole黑痣
spots 斑
wrinkles/lines 皱纹
clean-shaven 胡子刮光了的
unshaven 未剃胡子的
high cheek bones 高颧骨
pointed chin 尖尖的下巴
double chin双下巴
even 整齐的
uneven 不整齐的
bright/sparkling/twinkling/shining eyes
hazel eyes 淡褐色的眼睛
deep-set 深陷的
sunken 凹陷的
bulging/protruding 凸出的
contact lenses 隐形眼镜
wearing glasses 戴眼镜
thick bushy eyebrows 浓密的眉毛
thin eyes brows 淡眉毛
long eyes lashes 长睫毛
high cheek bones 高颧骨
Stuff on face
beard 络腮胡
bristle/stubble 胡须茬儿
High-bridged nose 高鼻梁
straight nose 直鼻梁
long nose 长鼻梁
noble nose 好看的鼻子
flat nose 塌鼻
snub-nosed 朝天鼻,猪鼻子
aquiline/hooked nose 鹰钩鼻
a roman nose 鹰钩鼻/高鼻梁
thin lips 薄嘴唇
thick lips 厚嘴唇
cherry lips樱桃嘴
Hair style
straight 直的
curly 卷发的
wavy hair 波浪发
spiky hair 刺头/板寸头
crew cut 平头
bald 秃头的
pigtails 辫子
parted hair 分头
ponytail 马尾
fairly long 很长(正合适)
bangs/fringes 刘海
dyed 染色的
golden 金黄色的
jet-black 乌黑的
blonde 淡黄色(金发美女)
blond 淡黄色(金发男)
fair 金色的
brunette 浅黑色的
mousy 灰褐色的
chestnut 栗色的
fat 肥胖的(较贬义)
chubby 胖乎乎很可爱
pudgy 又矮又胖
stout 粗壮
buff/muscular 健美的
strapping 魁梧的
blimp 胖子
slim 瘦的
tallish 有些高的
plump 丰满的
slight 瘦小的
short and stout 矮胖
medium height 中等身材
average height 一般身材
middle-sized 身高中等的
below average 低于平均身高
perfect figure 完美的身材
beefcake 体格强壮的,猛男
confidence/assertive 自信的
bubbly 活泼的
carefree 无忧无虑的
optimistic 乐观的
pessimistic 悲观的
well-mannered 有礼貌的
extroverted/sociable/outgoing 外向的
introverted/shy 内向的
frugal 节俭的
diligent 勤奋的
conscientious 勤奋敬业的
ambitious/aspirating 有抱负的/有野心的
enthusiastic 热情的
talented/gifted 有才华的
witty 风趣的
quick-witted 机智的,反应快的resourceful 深谋远虑的/足智多谋的
level-headed 遇事冷静的
forward-looking 有远见的
materialistic 金钱至上的
amiable 和蔼可亲的
mild 温和的
sympathetic 富有同情心的
compassionate 有爱心的
sincere 真诚的
honest 诚实的
trustworthy 可信赖的
candid/straightforward 直率的
modest 谦逊的
arrogant 傲慢的
humorous/amusing 幽默的
funky 时髦的,古灵精怪的
sensitive 感性的
sensible 理性的
open-minded 开明的
considerate 考虑周到的,体贴的
careless 粗心大意旳
generous 慷慨的
knowledgeable 有见识的,渊博的
tough/tenacious 顽强的
classy 很有品位的
graceful 优雅的
urbane 温文尔雅的,斯文的
low-key 低调的
articulate 口才好的
dashing 华丽的,劲头十足的
snobbish 势力的
aggressive 霸道的
cheeky 厚颜无耻的
stubborn 顽固的
hypocritical 虚伪的
self-conceited 自负的
self-contred 自私的
big-headed 妄自尊大的
pushy 有进取心的,爱出风头的
scatty 愚蠢的,健忘的
conservative 保守的Style
Flamboyant 华丽浮夸
Chic 时髦雅致
Eclectic 兼收并蓄
Modest 简约端庄
Casual 休闲